Posted and updated: 19 November 2006
- SR-71 to fly in Green Flag Lockheed expects the two SRs at Edwards AFB to be fully operational by the end of March. Green Flag exercises (intelligence and and electronic warfare exercise) will be run at Nellis AFB, NV this month (March) and in April. Green Flag will give an early teat as to how well the SR-71 can collect an distribute collected information by data link in a jamming situation. Imagery will be transmitted to Loral processing vans located in Phoenix, AZ. -Aviation Week & Space Technology (4 March 1996)
- SR-71 #967 Arrives at New Home. SR-71 #967 arrived at Det 2/9 RW Edwards AFB, CA 30 Janaury 1996, after a 2.5 hour flight and one touch and go. USAF Pilot/RSO Tom McCleary/ Michael Finan left Palmdale, Ca and arrived at Edwards AFB, CA at approx. 1:30 pm. -Tony Landis
- LASRE Reaches Milestones. The LASRE experiment passed two milestones, the first dealing with the safety aspects of the experiment, which include igniting a rocket motor on the back of a SR-71 #844, where exhaust temperatures will reach 6000 degrees. An inspection team consisting of personnel from NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, The Skunk Works, Lockheed Martin Astronics, Rocketdyne, NASA, and the USAF, and an independent review team of NASA management, reviewed all aspects of the LASRE design to insure a safe flight test program. The second milestone was a test firing of one of the eight thrust chambers at Rocketdyne's Santa Suzanna Test Facility. The test validated engine ignition charecteristics, and combustion stability and durability of the insulation material that will protect the aft end of the SR-71. -Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Star 27 October 1995
- Second SR-71 Soon to transfer to USAF. SR-71 Program Manager Jay Murphy said that the second SR-71 will be transferred to the USAF by the end of October. SR-71 #967 transfer will be a low-key affair, in contrast to the transfer of the first SR-71 #971 (see story below). Murphy also stated that Congress is still showing interest in activating a third SR-71 #968, which is in storage in Bldg #602. The two current SR-71s being flown by the USAF and maintained by Skunk Works maintenance crews will be moving to permanent facilities at Edwards AFB in mid-November. -Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Star, 27 October 1995
- The second refurbished SR-71 #967 took it's "maiden" flight on 28 August 1995, from Palmdale,CA. No other details given. -Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Star, 31 August 1995
- Lockheed Skunk Works is doing a modification to NASA's SR-71 #844, so it can carry the Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE). LASRE is a 1/10th scale version of the X-33 Reusable LaunchVehicle concept with linear aerospike engine. The test flights will occur during 1996 -Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Star, 28 July 1995
- Lockheed turned over the first of the reactivated SR-71s #971 to the Air Force in a ceremony on Wednesday, 28 June 1995 at Palmdale, CA. It will makes it first USAF flight since deactivation on 30 June, 1995. -USAF News Service

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